Attention — Traders and Investors: Are you ready to get out of your own way?
Are You Ready to Uncover Your Blind Spots that Stop You From Making the Money You Desire in Your Trading Business?
"Give Me 6 Weeks and I Will Give You a Step-By-Step High Impact Process to Gain a Competitive Edge and Rapidly and Consistently Boost Your Profits Now and in the Future!"
I'll Reveal to You My Strategies and Tools That I Have Only Shared With My Private Clients. You'll Have a Personalized Game Plan and You'll Be Fully Equipped to Dramatically increase Your Return and Be a More Successful Trader No Matter Where You Are in Your Trading Business.
From: Nazy Massoud
New York NY, USA
Date: Feb 16, 2025
Dear Traders & Investors:
Are you someone who...
- Is tired of leaving money on the table?
- Is frustrated to be at the mercy of the market conditions for his/her P&L?
- Is tired of feeling stuck, and even when you have a great strategy you have a hard time pulling the trigger? Then you worry about your capital and you are more fearful of making mistakes.
- Understands that it is crucial to address any trading fears, doubts and other mental traps head on so you can be present in the markets and manage your positions accordingly, instead of going through boom and bust cycles?
- Is ready to stop overtrading and stop cutting your winners short and letting your losers run?
- Is tired of the status quo and is willing and ready to get ahead of the game and create a competitive edge so you can have the trading business and lifestyle that you desire?
- Wants to learn a step-by-step process that enables you to trade with confidence and rapidly and consistently grow your trading business rather than sabotaging yourself?
- Wants to master the secrets of navigating the markets so you determine your own bottom line and not the markets?
Get ready for the curtain to be pulled back and the little talked about secrets of elite traders to be revealed. It is going to be a Game Changer!
Here's the problem:
Like many traders or investors, you're probably frustrated when it comes to understanding what your trading business needs in order to take it to the next level and have the kind of profitability that you know you can have while still having your desired lifestyle.
Why? Because you've read all the articles, bought the latest home-study courses, and attended tons of webinars, workshops and conferences. Every one of them had some “good stuff”. However, you might not know what to do with the information or how to fit it in with what you are currently doing.
You probably are thinking, "It might work for others but not for me." You are starting to doubt yourself, doubting your capability and judgment. (Am I right?)
Here's why. When I ask traders just like you why they're not realizing their full potential, they say there's actually too much information out there and they are being pulled in too many directions. The avalanche of information doesn't really speak to who they are and how they want to be trading. Or it only gives them a piece of what it takes without addressing the KEY ingredient.
Therefore, they feel like they're missing something or that they have to do things they don't want to do — following a model that doesn't resonate with who they are. Then they just feel like throwing in the towel... and often do.
You probably know what I mean. When something doesn't fit and you feel obligated to do it anyway, it feels like hard work — you get some results, yet after a while you get stuck and can't move forward. Your growth is not sustainable...
To achieve the kind of results that you want, you need to not only understand the information, but know how to adapt it so it fits into your trading business and your life. Then focus on what is most important, and get some serious accountability around all of it so you gain momentum!
Having someone to show you a game changing plan, guide you to adapt it to who you are and then keep you accountable to your strategies and goals enables you to stop questioning yourself, stop wasting a lot of time, money and energy, and be on the fast track to success.
How many times have I heard, "Nazy, what I especially like about working with you is that you keep me focused. You get to the heart of the problem and show me a simple next step to move me forward. You keep me accountable. You go the extra mile, and you believe that I can do it."
You see, having a Highly Profitable trading business is not about gathering as much information as possible; it's about recognizing what type of information you need and adapting it to who you are so you can get the best results possible.
If you really want a Highly Profitable trading business, you can have it!
Now, building a trading business does take focus, and I expect a lot from the people who coach with me. If you're looking for a "magic wand", you'll quickly discover there is no such thing (if you haven't already). It comes down to understanding your blind spots and your willingness to be different in your trading business and get stuff done.
Based on all of my observations and conversations with the traders on the trading floor, coaching hundreds of traders and reaching thousands of traders in the past year alone, I have created a High Impact proven system that, when properly followed and implemented, will bring traders of all levels the HIGHER profitability in your trading business that you've always desired (and more).
Who am I and how do I know?

My name is Nazy Massoud. I teach traders and investors a 4-step High Impact system to Rapidly and Consistently Boost their Profits and reduce their stress. Most of my clients have increased their profits by at least 37% in less than 6 months. A platinum client went from $100K to $550K in 12 months!
I worked on Wall Street for more than 15 years and was in the heart of action on the trading floor of such financial giants as Morgan Stanley, Bankers Trust, UBS, Chase Manhattan Bank and JP Morgan.
I've worked as a Business Analyst, Strategist, and Project & Risk Manager for some of the biggest clients and portfolios in the world, and was able to turn strategic visions into working realities.
I was on the fast track of success and one of the youngest people to become a Vice President. People noticed and they started coming to me and asking me what was my secret. By sharing with them what I knew, they were able to create the kind of success and lifestyle that they desired...
Word started to get around and I had more and more requests to share my secrets and tools. So in 2002, I decided to make it my official business.
Life was not always that way...
When my family came to this country, I could barely speak English. I started going to high school and I became the translator for my family. Shortly after, I started my dad's business with him. I was working and going to school at the same time. I was able to finish my studies for a Master's degree. By the time I got married, I had already bought my FIRST HOUSE and was driving my own PORSCHE, my pride & joy...
Two years later, when I was separating from my ex-husband, I had to borrow money from my dad to rent an apartment. It was the most embarrassing thing that I had to go through considering I was working full-time...
At that moment, I promised myself never again!!! I would never allow this to happen to me again! I started taking responsibility and finding out how I had let this happen... I wanted to learn what I could've done differently so I could have the lifestyle that I wanted... and this started my journey.
While working on Wall Street, I started reading lots and lots of books, studied with the masters and started implementing those principles in my life.
Six years after my divorce, I had bought my beautiful 2-bedroom condo in Manhattan and had a diversified portfolio... I was happy. Shortly after, I started my own consulting firm and I've been happily married again.
I am not sharing this to impress you but to let you know that you can have your Highly Profitable trading business and joyful lifestyle.
Combining my quantitative skills on the risk management side with my qualitative skills as an emotional intelligence, wealth creation and trading coach, I've been training traders from all walks of life on little-known insider secrets behind the success of the top 5% of traders!
Being on the trading floor with traders allowed me to experience their frustrations and the lightning speed of the avalanche of data coming at them, and observe how they needed to consistently perform under high stress and high pressure.
I noticed something. I noticed something very, very strange.
Would you like to know what it is?
Imagine, you have 2 traders in the same place with exactly the same education, tools and information. One is making a lot of money and his success is skyrocketing.
The other one is just doing okay. He makes money, but he is not fulfilling his own expectation.
What makes the difference?
The answer does not lie in their intelligence… people like you who are trading are intelligent!
What I noticed is that you can have the best systems and skills, but if you do not have your "inner game" figured out and have not developed your Mental Edge / Competitive Edge, you will not be able to make a sizable amount of money consistently…
These skill sets are the Big Elephant in the room that nobody really talks about or discusses. As if it is taboo. The common belief is that trading is mechanical. However, if that was the case, everyone would perform well and we all could rely on program trading and no human intervention would be necessary.
Developing your "inner game" or your Mental Edge is the quickest path to all the success, sizable profits, fun and freedom you desire.
Once you combine your system, your tools and cultivate your Mental Edge, you'll see a dramatic improvement in your performance.
Mastering this KEY Element is what separates the elite from the other 90- 95% of traders.
These principles make a huge difference regardless of whether you are starting out or dealing with millions of dollars. As a matter of fact, the more advanced you get, the more your Mental Edge plays a crucial part. Because your P&L swings are going to be larger, you have to think faster and make better decisions.
Your Mental Edge, your mental toughness and your resilience, has to become solid. Because when you have a loss, you want to be able to recover quickly and you don't want to be dragged down and look back at what you could've, should've... for minutes, hours, a day, a week or longer. For you to sustain and continue growth of your capital, you have to recover quickly and get back in the game...
Just because you lose a few trades, you don't want to lose your trading business. Do you?
One of my clients was very successful. However, after a huge loss, he had a very hard time getting back in the game. He was great at giving recommendations to others and yet he had a hard time pulling the trigger for his own account. As a result of working together, he realized quickly how to regain his success and even go beyond that. He is making more money now and is happier.
Thanks to your insights I have been able to turn a losing futures account into my most valuable asset and most powerful income generator. More importantly, you have given me hope for the future I want and can actually now achieve.
I wake up every trading day exited and ready to go. I ask myself, “I wonder how much money I am going to make today?” Before I discovered you, I would ask myself, “how am I going to make up for the losses I will undoubtedly suffer today?” Often, I think of how lucky I am to have discovered you. My only regret is not having found you years ago – that would have spared me much grief and suffering – and money!!! Keep up the fantastic work and I look forward to working with you for years to come.
A. R., Trader
I really want to say thanks for everything that I have learned from You. I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW MUCH I HAVE IMPROVED! Thanks Nazy. My wife thanks you also.
F.M., Vice President
Rapidly Boosting Your Profits is what I believe – and know – you can do, if you want it enough.
The only question is...
Do you REALLY want this?
If your answer is YES, then you're at the right place...
The Proven Mental Edge Roadmap to Rapidly and Consistently Boost Your Profit (RCBYP) Will Reveal The Blind Spots You Didn’t Even Know You Had, & Get You Out Of Your Own Way, So You Can Generate a Lot of Profits Trading.

The RCBYP is something I created to help those who want to be rapidly and consistently more profitable, to have the lifestyle of their dreams, and get support, accountability and direction from me, without breaking the bank!
This program is a 6-week intensive Live Classroom, via Webinar, where we cover 4 steps to jump-start you to rapidly boost your profits, create an optimum frame work, manage your energy and time, and take your trading business to the next level.
You will drastically reduce your learning curve!
I have worked on Wall Street for many years and when it comes to trading, if you are not consistently winning in your trading, Nazy will help you find out why and work with you until you are. This service is exceptional and first rate. If you are serious about your trading, you can't afford not to sign up.
M.W., Managing Director
Wall Street Firm
Nazy has an uncanny ability to pick apart the weak areas of your personal state, identify them for you and then provide simple yet powerful exercises in which to correct those negative areas and turn them around to positive building blocks for a successful life.
Paul D. Ierna, President
Ierna Capital Management
Just a few lines to thank you for everything you have done for my trading. I can't tell you enough that if it wasn't for you, I would not be trading at all at this time. Your sound, disciplined approach keeps me most of the time on the right side of the market. This has caused a huge boost to my confidence and to my consistency in generating profits.
S.M., Vice President
Salomon Smith Barney
This System closes the gap between
where you are today and
where you ideally want to be in your trading business!
Here are some of the many results you can achieve in Rapidly & Consistently Boost Your Profits:
- Stop the costly mistakes and have the trading business and lifestyle that you desire
- Have a clear roadmap to make the next 12 months your best trading year ever, regardless of the economy
- Learn how to overcome your fear of loss, once and for all
- Eliminate the stressors that derail your focus and rob you of joy in your trading and your life
- Uncover your blind spots that block your trading success
- Stop allowing the fears of others to influence your trading and have the confidence to take the profitable actions
- Prevent ruining your ENTIRE DAY by one losing or missing trade
- Recognize and address any trading fears, doubts, and other mindset traps head on and overcome them to make the kind of money that you desire!
- Be profitable riding the roller coaster of the markets and have fun while doing it
- Stay in your trading zone and set yourself up to Rapidly & Consistently Boost Your Profits Now & In the Future!
- Get proven ways of managing your time, energy and focus so that you are in your zone and not distracted
- Align your Inner Game and Outer Game of Trading so they work TOGETHER and dramatically boost your profits
- Motivate yourself and create and maintain your momentum
- Increase your self-confidence and discipline in your trading business
- Make effective trading decisions with ease, wisdom and clarity
- Speed up your learning curve and develop the skills that will rapidly enhance your bottom line NOW and in the Future!
So, what exactly will you get with the Rapidly & Consistently Boost Your Profits Group Mentoring Program?
Here’s what’s included:
Week #1: Your Personal Risk Profile
You get clear about what is stopping you from generating the trading profits that you desire.
We uncover your automatic programming/ tendencies and create a game plan specifically for you, which enables you to be the kind of trader you have always imagined, and rapidly and consistently boost your profits now and in the future.
Week #2: Essential Elements of Money Management
We cover the costly pitfalls and how to avoid them. They are not what you think they are…
We determine your “TRUE” financial capacity and give you the necessary tools to modify it and stop cutting the winners short and letting the losers run.
I’ll show you how to recognize and eliminate the sabotage patterns that cause you to leave money on the table. We clear the decks and give you the key to unlocking, growing, and maintaining trading profits NOW.
Week #3 & #4: Unshackle Your Power
This process enables you to align your goals with the actions that are required to increase your discipline and your confidence, and create the results that you always wanted and continued to lack until NOW!
Week #3: Identity
The strongest force in human personality is the need to remain consistent with the identity we hold for ourselves.
I’ll take you through a powerful process to uncover the hidden identities that stop your success and kept you in the status quo. You learn how to create a competitive edge so you can have the trading profits and lifestyle that you desire starting now.
Week #4: Internal Signals
We address the big elephant in the room, your fears, doubts, worries and other mental traps head on.
You learn how to overcome your fear of loss once and for all. Also, you learn how to prevent ruining your ENTIRE DAY by one losing or missing trade
You learn strategies to harness your mental traps so your trading business can grow rapidly and consistently.
Week #5 & #6: Getting & Staying In the Zone

Week #5: Energy Vampires
This is one of key steps and is often ignored. When you don’t pay attention to this step, it can result in overwhelm, stress, and huge losses.
You learn how to eliminate the stressors that derail your focus and rob you of joy in your trading and your life.
Also you stop allowing the fears of others to influence your trading decisions and have the confidence to take the profitable actions.
Week #6: Keeping Momentum
In this process, you learn how to stay in your trading zone and maintain your focus. Thus enabling you to cut your losses faster and let your winners run much longer, which results in less stress, better relationships, and more financial gain.
Simply said, you learn the secrets of navigating the markets so you determine your bottom line!
So, what exactly will you get with the Rapidly & Consistently Boost Your Profits Group Mentoring Program?
- Six weeks of LIVE group training. I'll take you through every step — showing you exactly what to do to put the power of strategies shared with you to work. (Value $3,700)
- Six weeks of Q&A calls. Immediately following each group training, you have an opportunity to ask questions or get clarification on the strategies covered so you can start implementing them quickly. (Value $3,900)
- Online Private Membership Group. If you miss the live Q&A or need further clarifications you have a chance to ask your questions here. Using this e-coaching, you'll get even more feedback, accountability, brainstorming and resources from me. In addition, you can connect with the other likeminded traders, ask questions and get support. (Value $1,195)
- Easy access to each training session. You can access this live program from the comfort of your own home or office. No airline tickets. No travel. No hassle. (Value Priceless)
- Access to all training recordings. If, for whatever reason, you aren't able to make a particular class, no worries. You'll be able to listen to the recording as many times as you like. We send you the link to the recording, usually within 24 hours. This way, you will never miss any information and it gives you access to the material as often as you like(Value $375)
- Your proven, step-by-step roadmap to Rapidly and Consistently Boost Your Profits Now and in the Future! – this is my private vault of “tools & strategies” so you can be profitable Now and in the Future! (Value $795)
- Additional training resources. During this Mental Edge RCBYP 6-week Intensive, you'll receive action plans to keep you focused and to keep you moving toward your goals. You are encouraged to make use of these in your trading business right away. (Value $595)
- And a lot more…
As a result of working with Nazy, I stopped 2 big problems; overtrading and large losses. My ratio of winning to losing trades improved so much; 3:1.
I learned how to accept small losses. Actually, I do have a good time 90% of the days, regardless of the results.
In a nut shell, it helped me to focus well on everything that is important; my objectives, trading strategies. Every day things became clearer, easier and less stressful. Best of all, I enjoy trading.
Hussam AbuSuud ~ Trader
Madrid, Spain
I must thank you. You see, although I have a trading strategy which over a couple of weeks produces massive profits, the volatility is so great that my personality cannot take it. I've tried to overcome it, but it's really no use.
From your email I have adjusted my strategy to stop for the day after reaching a set profit target – and after recalculating over 175 days, I've been able to cut down the standard deviation by 70%.
So, thank you for my missing link.
B. P. ~ Trader
Thanks for your consistency and professionalism. Nazy provided me with pointers and insight regarding trading I had not considered before. Once again, thanks. .
Kerwin Wells ~ Trader
Having a trading plan in place has enabled me to be better organized, more productive and more confident. I was amazed at the impact on my bottom line
Jacek ~ Trader
I asked Nazy for "help" – what she gave me was over 1000%: holding my hand resulted in my gaining millions of dollars. She's unbelievable! She has the uncanny ability to hear what you really need as opposed to merely responding to what you ask for. You have to try it for yourself to know what I'm talking about. .
M. H. ~ Managing Partner
Wall Street Firm
How do you know this program is a good fit for you? It’s a good fit IF:
- You are absolutely serious about building your trading business and having the results that you have always imagined.
- You are willing to work on your inner game and develop your Mental Edge along with your systems and trading strategies required to succeed and have had it with your status quo.
- You have a "yes, can do" attitude with enthusiasm and drive.
- You recognize that as you learn to harness your mental traps — your success will be immensely magnified.
- You have an open mind and are ready to explore different methods of identifying and releasing your blocks.
- You’re willing to take massive action in pursuit of your goals and ask questions if you need help.
- You enjoy group programs and their built-in support of each other, so everyone can rapidly move forward.
If this sounds like you, don’t wait another minute. Simply click here and commit to making 2012 your most profitable year.
This program isn’t for everyone, however… Please DO NOT enroll if:
- You are someone who is satisfied with your current level of trading, with status quo.
- You are someone who believes being right in trading is more important to you than being profitable.
- You are not open to new ways of doing things.
- You are looking for “instant results” and are not willing to invest the time to master the tools/tactics. To see results, you must use the strategies I will be teaching you.
- You have concerns about keeping confidentiality. Although this will be a private and closed group, my intention is for us to create an atmosphere of deep trust and respect between all participants, so that we can openly and safely discuss our challenges in our group forum and on our calls.
For general program questions, feel free to email me and I will be happy to answer them or help you with your decision.
Next program starting March 20th, 2012
Class Calls: Tuesday, 5:00 PM, EST
OK Nazy, I'm ready and want to do this for myself! What's my investment for this intensive program where I'll learn to Rapidly and Consistently Boost My Profits?
Actually, I want to start with a better question: What’s the VALUE of a program like this one?
First, let’s break down some numbers - and we’re going to stay realistic here… and we’ll start with one very simple question:
How much is improvement of your daily trading P&L worth to you?
Even a small change can have a big impact on your bottom line.
Imagine, if you increase your P&L by $500 a day, it is $2500 dollars a week, $10,000 a month and since there are usually 252 trading days in a year, you increase your bottom line by $126,000 a year.
Imagine, if you increase your P&L only by $300 a day, it adds up to $75,600 a year.
Imagine, even if you increase your P&L only by $100 a day, it adds up to $25,200 a year.
How a small change can have a big impact
on your Bottom Line
Avg. Additional P&L Per Day |
Additional P&L Per Week |
Additional P&L Per Month |
Additional P&L Per Year (252 Trading Days) |
$500 | $2,500 | $10,000 | $126,000 |
$300 | $1,500 | $6,000 | $75,600 |
$100 | $500 | $2,000 | $25,200 |
Can you imagine an extra $126,000, $75,600 or $25,200 of profits a year? And what it would do for your life?
When you include all factors such as:
- Trimming in your Losses
- Increasing the size of your winners
- Compounding
- Increasing your position size
- Other avenues of profit that will be open to you
You can expect an increase of your estimated profits by several-fold!
How much are you willing to invest to get these kinds of results? I can just imagine the gears starting to turn in your head!
So now let’s talk about the INVESTMENT of Mental Edge RCBYP program …
If you were to purchase every single aspect of the Mental Edge RCBYP program separately, you'd have to invest over $10,000 for this program. These are the kind of investments that my private clients make to break through their blind spots, build their trading business and make quantum money leaps with me – and happily send me referrals afterwards.
You can relax, though. The tuition to participate in this live group program isn’t anywhere near that investment.
Here's why. My mission is to help as many traders as possible in building a successful, profitable trading business. I want everyone to experience the increase in success, and freedom that comes from learning how to develop your Mental Edge / competitive edge. And now your investment will be a mere fraction of my usual programs.
So what’s the investment for this course?
Full tuition to participate in this content-rich program will be just $1,495 (early bird Rate $1,295).
If you would like to take advantage of my 2-pay option, your investment will be two easy payments of $797 (early bird rate $697), one made before the program starts to secure your place and the other one month later.
Plus, if you register NOW, you get these fabulous bonuses
Early-Bird Investment = $1,295
(disappears March 13, 2012 at midnight, EASTERN)Early-Bird 2-Part Investment Plan = $697
(disappears March 13, 2012 at midnight, EASTERN!)
TIME SENSITIVE BONUS: (ONLY for the First 5 to Register!)
Half-an-hour private coaching session with me, Nazy Massoud.
You receive private feedback and one-on-one mentoring to ask me anything you want about your assignments, choices, or anything you need help with.
One piece of feedback I hear from clients ALL the time is their appreciation of my ability and talent to listen to a question and quickly come up with an effective action step that can be easily implemented and generate profits.
Trading plan from A- Z by John Netto
John Netto - Independent Futures and Options Trader, Author, Sports Bettor, 9 year US Marine Veteran
Appears/quoted often on CNBC/Bloomberg TV/ Fox Business Channel / Canada's Business News Network: Speaker at major conferences. Author of One Shot - One Kill Trading and Protean Trading: Global Macro Strategies for a 24-hr Market, John Wiley and Sons (Release Fall 2012)
- A 9-step process for ending the First challenge once and for all.
- An 8-step process for developing the skill of the second challenge.
- The secret to how to develop your Mental Edge so you can make more money consistently.
- And much more.
The Top 3 Challenges That Hold Traders Back… And What You Can Do About Them
Read the manual or listen to the recording in your car or on your iPod and learn:
Consistency Assessment
You pinpoint your blind spots and get insights into the areas that are stopping you from having the highly profitable trading business and the lifestyle that you desire.
If you are like most of my clients, by tweaking just ONE or TWO things, you can start seeing the difference right away. Even if you only get an extra $100 per day, this program will pay for itself 10x over in a matter of months.
One of my clients increased his profits by 25% in one week.
Another one, Doubled his profits in 2 weeks.
Thanks to Nazy, over the past month I have been making significant improvements to my trading. In one instance, I was able to overcome analysis-paralysis and made 40% over two days.
P. B. ~ Trader
And you are fully protected by my Risk FREE,
100% Satisfaction and Money-Back GUARANTEE!
Few investments are risk-free. But this one is. Here's my personal guarantee to you…
If the content fails to meet your expectations before the start of the second Mental Edge Trading RCBYP Class Training Call, I'll refund 100% of your money.
Yes, Nazy! I want to uncover my blind spots and get out of my own way and Rapidly and Consistently Boost MY Profits Now and in the Future! I understand that there are only a limited number of RCBYP spots available, so it's important that I act now before registration closes. I understand I will receive:
- Six weeks of LIVE group training. I'll take you through every step — showing you exactly what to do to put the power of strategies shared with you to work. (Value $3,700)
- Six weeks of Q&A calls. Immediately following each group training, you have an opportunity to ask questions or get clarification on the strategies covered so you can start implementing them quickly. (Value $3,900)
- Online Private Membership Group. If you miss the live Q&A or need further clarifications you have a chance to ask your questions here. Using this e-coaching, you'll get even more feedback, accountability, brainstorming and resources from me. In addition, you can connect with the other likeminded traders, ask questions and get support. (Value $1,195)
- Easy access to each training session. You can access this live program from the comfort of your own home or office. No airline tickets. No travel. No hassle. (Value Priceless)
- Access to all training recordings. If, for whatever reason, you aren't able to make a particular class, no worries. You'll be able to listen to the recording as many times as you like. We send you the link to the recording, usually within 24 hours. This way, you will never miss any information and it gives you access to the material as often as you like(Value $375)
- Your proven, step-by-step roadmap to Rapidly and Consistently Boost Your Profits Now and in the Future! – this is my private vault of “tools & strategies” so you can be profitable Now and in the Future! (Value $795)
- Additional training resources. During this Mental Edge RCBYP 6-week Intensive, you'll receive action plans to keep you focused and to keep you moving toward your goals. You are encouraged to make use of these in your trading business right away. (Value $595)
- 100% Satisfaction, Money-Back Guarantee. If the content fails to meet your expectations before the start of the second Mental Edge Trading RCBYP Class Training Call, I'll refund 100% of your money.
Plus, I can get these bonuses…
Early-Bird Investment = $1,295
(disappears March 13, 2012 at midnight, EASTERN)Early-Bird 2-Part Investment Plan = $697
(disappears March 13, 2012 at midnight, EASTERN!)
TIME SENSITIVE BONUS: (ONLY for the First 5 to Register!)
Half-an-hour private coaching session with me, Nazy Massoud.
Trading plan from A- Z by John Netto
John Netto - Independent Futures and Options Trader, Author, Sports Bettor, 9 year US Marine Veteran
The Top 3 Challenges That Hold Traders Back… And What You Can Do About Them
Consistency Assessment
One -Time Payment – ONLY $1,495
Special Two – Payment Plan – 2 x $797
I understand that I will be charged $797 (early bird $697) today and then $797 (early bird $697) 30 days from now.
Listen to what some past Mental Edge clients had to say:
Being a global macro proprietary trader seeking to discover alpha in a 24-hour market necessitates sharp instincts, calm confidence, and steadfast objectivity. Nazy's Platinum Private Mentor Program ensures not only accountability in accomplishing my investment goals, but a balanced lifestyle that transcends trading. With Nazy's guidance, I have not only achieved record personal profits since working with her, but have seen all aspects of my life flourish.
I live an adventurous bi-coastal lifestyle with a beautiful home in Las Vegas and a spacious Manhattan apartment overlooking Columbus Circle. I regularly speak at institutional conferences, presenting on behalf of market exchanges like CME Group and Eurex. I appear on major financial news television stations such as Bloomberg and CNBC, and now co-host a national radio show.
Nazy has encouraged me to share my experience and has inspired me to write two books, one on trading and the other on enhancing our own attraction. All of this while achieving record profits in my trading account with lower historical drawdowns than I have ever experienced.
Nazy's storied Wall Street risk management pedigree combined with her strong intuitive sense of people has made her an indispensable asset to M3 Capital and our clients. Nazy has the innate ability to focus me when I'm distracted, ease my stress when I'm too intense, hold me accountable when I drift, and most importantly keep me humble in a much more psychologically and economically prudent manner than if the market performed the same service.
Quite simply... Nazy Massoud is the gold standard of trading coaches.
John Netto President
M3 Capital, LLC
From 1991-2003 I traded within my TSA...only mutual funds/indexes...and realized a 4,500% gain! … I hit a 3 year hard patch where I just wasn't making the same $$ I used to do...easily! Thanks for your insights....they’ve really helped me get back on track.
P.F. ~ Trader
I contacted Nazy at a period I was feeling depressed because my trading results were really disappointing. Everything seemed not working, I was losing money, I didn't know what to do. And then, everything changed...for the better. You told me to relax, you pointed out some really important points in my behavior. You have been a real inspiration to me...
After a few days of communicating with you, things seemed to change. I was the same person, I was doing the same things, but all of a sudden things were going better. I gradually regained my self-esteem and my trust in myself and what I was doing. I started to make a lot more money…
Your help and advice are invaluable. I felt the difference from the first few words...
Again, I want to tell you how grateful I am to you...
Andreas A. ~ Trader
Athens, Greece
Simply put—Insightful, inspiring, intelligent but most of all intuitive. Nazy read me like a book. She doesn't finish with a talk but a firm course of action. Money well worth spending!!!
J.S. ~ Vice President
From one insider to another… No one knows it better, or does it better, than Nazy Massoud.
A. M. ~ Managing Director
JP Morgan
Spots Are Limited
I will only accept a limited number of participants in this live intensive program to give everyone the individual attention they need and provide the highest quality of service (extremely important to me).
By investing in YOURSELF TODAY, and developing your Mental Edge in these volatile markets, you are giving yourself your own well-deserved Competitive Edge for 2012 and beyond!!!
So, secure one of these limited spots and register today!
I can’t wait to welcome you into RCBYP and start seeing changes in your bottom line!
To Rapidly Boosting Your Profits NOW…and in the Future!
Nazy Massoud
Mental Edge Trading

P.S. It takes decisiveness and perseverance when it comes to having your thriving trading business. Even though thousands say they want it, only about 5 - 10 in every 100 do something about it. The choice is yours. Remember, there are only limited spots available for this program.
P.P.S. If you're running yourself ragged and still not making the money you expect, maybe it's time to bring in a fresh perspective. You’ll have access to new ways of refocusing and navigating your growing trading business. Join me in Rapidly and Consistently Boost Your Profits and let me show you how.
P.P.P.S. If you have any questions about the program, please email me and I will be happy to answer them.