Archive for January, 2010

Free Webinar Going Pro

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

One the mangers that I have a lot of respect for, John Netto, is offering a free webinar tomorrow Jan 14.  

Following is the detail:


Going Pro: Using Your Trading Success to Manage Money Professionally
Thursday, Jan. 14, 2010 at 5PM Eastern / 2PM Pacific

Webinar Entry Link will be eMailed to Registrants Jan, 13th

All of us at Team OSOK Trading would like to thank everyone who participated in the ISE webinar discussing volatility across multiple asset classes and we would like to invite everyone to attend John Netto’s free 1-hour webinar entitled: “Going Pro: Using Your Trading Success to Manage Money Professionally” coming up Thursday, Jan. 14, 2010 at 5PM Eastern / 2PM Pacific. This webinar will go into the topics facing those looking to trade professionally, in particular, the cost metrics behind setting up a hedge fund, payout structure for prop accounts, generating a professional track record in such a way as to get recognized by allocators, marketing, creating a disclosure document, and much more. 

·       5 PM Eastern, Thursday, January 14

·       Free of Charge to attend

·       Options as a professional trader

·       Proprietary Trading

·       Hedge Fund

·       Raising Assets

·       Different web sites to put your track record

·       Seed capital, RIA, Family Offices, Pension Funds

·       Regulation

·       NFA, FINRA

·       What filings are required

·       When you must register

·       Back Office

·       How to outsource bookkeeping